Fall Alarms | Elderly Fall Detection | 24/7 Fall Detection | Essex

24/7 Fall Detection Service with our fall detectors

The most common cause of admission to hospital for people over sixty-five is falling over, and 1 in 3 people sixty-five years or over fall over each year in their home or garden. When you reach eighty years old the chance of a fall is increased by 50% each year, so a fall alarm or fall detector provides a great deal of comfort and assurance.

It's also a fact that once you've experienced a fall, it's more likely that you will fall again.  Therefore, it would be nice to be able to know that help is at hand, particularly if you struggle to get up again after you've fallen over. This is where our fall detectors, alarms and support services can help you.

Immediate assistance if you have a fall in your home

Our fall detectors and support service offer immediate assistance when you fall. The fall detector feels the impact of the fall and triggers a call to the KESHA ENTERPRISES centre, where we can provide the help you need.

Fall alarms ensure care and support to help you stay independent at home

There is always someone there to help at the touch of a button with KESHA ENTERPRISES's fall detector service. We don't just offer fall detectors, but we also monitor and support you or a relative in your home.  This is especially helpful for those suffering from dementia or who have a care package in place.  Our care and support in your home can help delay the move into residential care and is also very reassuring after hospital admissions.

How our fall detection service works

Once a call is made to the KESHA ENTERPRISES call centre regarding a fall, they phone for the necessary help, whether this be the emergency services, next of kin or a neighbour. If no response is received, the team will contact the emergency services.

We offer a variety of personal alarms and fall detectors to suit you

Our personal alarms can be in pendant form or on a wrist strap, so that if you need help, all you need to do is activate it by pressing the button on your pendant, wrist strap or base unit.  This combined with a key safe at your home ensures that access is possible in the event of a fall or another emergency.

KESHA ENTERPRISES provides extra support not just fall detectors

If you are considering extra support for yourself or an elderly relative, KESHA ENTERPRISES fall detector and support services may be the answer. We're based in Essex but offer our services nationwide. We offer personal alarms for the elderly and fall detectors that provide help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

We're happy to provide further information on all the personal alarms, fall detectors and support services we provide so just call us now on +919711922411, our friendly team will be happy to help.

Buy a Fall Detector Alarm Now

Our SOS personal alarm service offers the following benefits:

  • We provide 24 hours a day response to our personal alarms and fall detectors

    Our ultra-fast, responsive team are always ready to help in an emergency
  • Affordable pricing for elderly alarms, response alarms and our support services

    Our response alarms and personal alarms for the elderly offer simple price plans that are designed to suit all budgets
  • Safety and peace of mind for the elderly or disabled in their own homes

    Our support services offer peace of mind from knowing that you or your loved ones can call upon help at any time just be pushing a button on a personal alarm

We're here to help with Personal Alarms, SOS & Response Alarms
Call +919711922411 or email info@keshaenterprise.com

Get in touch

Happy customers

A Life Saver

I would like to thank you all for the great service you provided when mum needed it, it was literally a life saver I think. All the staff were so polite, helpful and empathetic every single time they spoke to me too, so huge thanks.


Stroke of luck

“I pressed my Careline button as I had had a fall and didn't know what to do. I must admit I was quite rude to Christine, who answered my call, as I didn't want to go hospital but, having spoken with my neighbour and asking her to check if my face was drooping and if I could move my arms, she insisted on calling an ambulance. It turns out I had suffered a stroke and went on to stay in hospital for 3 weeks. Thank you for acting so efficiently.”

Pat White

‘Magic button' to the rescue!

“Just two days after joining up to KESHA ENTERPRISES, I had a fall at home (breaking my femur, needing a plate and screw). I was wondering what on Earth I was going to do when I remembered my magic button – oh the relief! – I had my family with me in minutes. Much nicer than sitting on the floor all night, so thank you Careline”

Paul Smith

Quick-thinking KESHA ENTERPRISES call-handler scares off burglar

In October 2018, call-handler Kevin responded to an alarm activation from an address in Billericay, Essex, where the resident was scared by a man trying to forcefully gain entry to his home. Raising his voice through the speaker on the Home Unit, Kevin addressed the would-be burglar, telling him that police were on their way. The man fled the scene and the resident was left unhurt, if rather shaken, by the incident.

Betty Johnson

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